Creation Day 5 - Genesis 1:20-23

Joe Focht  SAM1341  5/26/2024

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Living Machine

Few creatures in the animal kingdom can capture the imagination more powerfully than a hummingbird. Their aeronautical abilities are stunning. But the genius of these birds isn’t limited to flight. Each day, they must consume twice their body weight in nectar to fuel their voracious metabolisms. The incredible biological mechanisms that make this possible are masterpieces of engineering and design.

Living Machine

The migration journey of the Pacific Salmon is iconic. Relying on their incredible sense of smell and internal navigation systems, the fish travel from the Pacific Ocean to the exact river or stream where they hatched years before. The biological engineering involved is sophisticated, highly accurate, and a superb example of intelligent design in the living world.


Dolphins rank among the most intelligent, elegant and popular animals on earth. There are at least 37 different species, and they thrive in oceans throughout the world. A dolphin’s sophisticated echolocation system enables it to effectively navigate and hunt for food in often dark and murky environments. This remarkable display of biological engineering is explored through high-speed photography and detailed computer animation.

Wings of Wonder

A hummingbird in flight is among the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Designed to hover and fly in every direction (including up-side-down), these tiny birds are endowed with aeronautical abilities that have fascinated scientists and school children for centuries. But how are they capable of such unique aerial displays? Their biological wonders are explored with computer animation and spectacular slow-motion photography is this stunning short video.

Wings of Wonder
Find The Way Home

Of all the epic animal migrations on earth, the sea turtle’s odyssey is one of the most remarkable. After hatching, baby sea turtles instinctively race to the sea where they float, swim, and grow for many years. Then, after reaching maturity, each uses a sophisticated navigational system embedded in its brain to chart the precise course back to the exact beach where it was born. There, the turtles lay their eggs and ensure future generations of their species.

Find The Way Home
Starlings Murmurations

On a winter evening in England a flock of 200,000 European starlings congregate to soar in breathtaking formations before roosting for the night. These incredible displays of aerial precision are truly a wonder of creation.

Starlings Murmurations
A Whale of a Story

Humpback whales. They are among the largest and most magnificent creatures on Earth. But how did these warm blooded, air-breathing, fully aquatic mammals come into existence? Evolutionary scientists have long proposed a slow, gradual process driven by random mutations and natural selection. Yet, 21st century biology and genetics have clearly revealed that these naturalistic explanations are woefully inadequate. Instead, the most convincing evidence for their creation now points to intelligent design.

A Whale of a Story
Living Machine

Few creatures in the animal kingdom can capture the imagination more powerfully than a hummingbird. Their aeronautical abilities are stunning. But the genius of these birds isn’t limited to flight. Each day, they must consume twice their body weight in nectar to fuel their voracious metabolisms. The incredible biological mechanisms that make this possible are masterpieces of engineering and design.

Living Machine


The migration journey of the Pacific Salmon is iconic. Relying on their incredible sense of smell and internal navigation systems, the fish travel from the Pacific Ocean to the exact river or stream where they hatched years before. The biological engineering involved is sophisticated, highly accurate, and a superb example of intelligent design in the living world.



Dolphins rank among the most intelligent, elegant and popular animals on earth. There are at least 37 different species, and they thrive in oceans throughout the world. A dolphin’s sophisticated echolocation system enables it to effectively navigate and hunt for food in often dark and murky environments. This remarkable display of biological engineering is explored through high-speed photography and detailed computer animation.


Wings of Wonder

A hummingbird in flight is among the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Designed to hover and fly in every direction (including up-side-down), these tiny birds are endowed with aeronautical abilities that have fascinated scientists and school children for centuries. But how are they capable of such unique aerial displays? Their biological wonders are explored with computer animation and spectacular slow-motion photography is this stunning short video.

Wings of Wonder

Find The Way Home

Of all the epic animal migrations on earth, the sea turtle’s odyssey is one of the most remarkable. After hatching, baby sea turtles instinctively race to the sea where they float, swim, and grow for many years. Then, after reaching maturity, each uses a sophisticated navigational system embedded in its brain to chart the precise course back to the exact beach where it was born. There, the turtles lay their eggs and ensure future generations of their species.

Find The Way Home

Starlings Murmurations

On a winter evening in England a flock of 200,000 European starlings congregate to soar in breathtaking formations before roosting for the night. These incredible displays of aerial precision are truly a wonder of creation.

Starlings Murmurations

A Whale of a Story

Humpback whales. They are among the largest and most magnificent creatures on Earth. But how did these warm blooded, air-breathing, fully aquatic mammals come into existence? Evolutionary scientists have long proposed a slow, gradual process driven by random mutations and natural selection. Yet, 21st century biology and genetics have clearly revealed that these naturalistic explanations are woefully inadequate. Instead, the most convincing evidence for their creation now points to intelligent design.

A Whale of a Story

  1. And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
  2. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  3. And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.
  4. And the evening and the morning were the fifth day.