Straight From The Heart
Aired Teaching # Scripture Description Listen
9/11/2024 WED860 Proverbs 19 Finding God's will- When it comes to God's will for our lives Proverbs says, "There are many plans in a man's heart, Nevertheless the Lord's counsel- that will stand." We may not know what the future holds, but we know that God's will is that we live in the fear of the Lord.
9/10/2024 WED860 Proverbs 19 The rich and the poor- Are you quick to judge others based on their wealth or status? Proverbs says it is better to be poor, but live with integrity, than to be rich and lead a foolish and perverse lifestyle. God rewards those who take pity on the poor.
9/9/2024 WED859 Proverbs 17-18 The power of the tongue- Proverbs says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." A fool's words will bring destruction and contention into his life. A wise man will find blessing from the good fruit that comes from his speech.
9/6/2024 WED859 Proverbs 17-18 Justice will be served- God sees all the injustice that plagues our world. It breaks God's heart to see the consequences of sin and wickedness, and He will judge all evil one day. Proverbs says that those who justify sin or condemn the just are an "abomination to the Lord."
9/5/2024 WED859 Proverbs 17-18 Keeping the right perspective- The wicked look to find satisfaction in material things, even at the cost of lying and deceit. The wise know that all the blessings experienced in life are a gift from the Lord. The Lord can use trials and difficulties for our good, to refine our faith.
9/4/2024 WED858 Proverbs 15:27-16:33 What has God given you?- We may be disappointed when we consider what life has brought our way; especially when we compare our situation to other people. No matter how bleak things may seem we must remember that God will never cheat us or hold anything back from us.
9/3/2024 WED858 Proverbs 15:27-16:33 We plan but God directs- Sometimes we are so focused on the future that we forget to be concerned about the next step in front of us. Fortunately, God is faithful to direct each step we take, and to pour out His favor on us "like a cloud of the latter rain."
9/2/2024 WED858 Proverbs 15:27-16:33 Created for His pleasure- What is the purpose of man's existence? Proverbs says that all things exist to give God glory. Does that make God egotistical? God loves to hear the prayers of His children because He loves them, and He demonstrated His great love by sending Jesus to die in our place.
8/30/2024 WED857 Proverbs 13:25-15:26 How God sees us- We may not consider someone who is religious as wicked, but Proverbs says, "The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord, But the prayer of the upright is His delight." God wants a relationship with us, not religious acts.
8/29/2024 WED857 Proverbs 13:25-15:26 The fear of the Lord- Proverbs says, "The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life." Those who fear the Lord understand that they are responsible for their actions first and foremost, before the Lord. The fear of the Lord should influence what we say and how we treat others.
8/28/2024 WED857 Proverbs 13:25-15:26 The way of the fool- What is your attitude toward sin? Proverbs 14 says "fools mock at sin." It's possible to be very genuine but very wrong at the same time.
8/27/2024 WED856 Proverbs 12:1-13:24 The righteous vs the wicked (part 3)- What does the way of the wicked look like? The wicked man is lazy, prideful, loves money, and despises the word. Parents, are you quick to discipline your children?
8/26/2024 WED856 Proverbs 12:1-13:24 The righteous vs the wicked (part 2)- The righteous can't expect a trouble-free life, but trials won't "overtake" them. Who are your friends? The righteous are careful when it comes to friendships.
8/23/2024 WED856 Proverbs 12:1-13:24 The righteous vs the wicked- The contrasting lifestyles of the righteous and the wicked are displayed through their speech, thoughts, work ethic, and even how they treat their animals.
8/22/2024 WED855 Proverbs 10-11 The way of righteousness- The way of the righteous and the way of the wicked are contrasted in Proverbs 11. We can't experience the blessings of a righteous life by our own efforts. God will only honor our service for Him through the blood of Jesus Christ and His perfect righteous life.
8/21/2024 WED855 Proverbs 10-11 The tongue of the just- James says that the tongue "is set on fire by hell." Satan loves to use our words to promote hurt and division in the church. Proverbs 10 tells us all about what wise speech should and should not look like.
8/20/2024 WED854 Proverbs 8-9 Wisdom and folly- There are two invitations imparted to us every day from the way of wisdom, and the way of folly. Folly invites you to emptiness and temporary pleasures. Wisdom invites you to Jesus, and the promise of eternal life. Whose guest will you be?
8/19/2024 WED854 Proverbs 8-9 Jesus is wisdom- I Corinthians 1:30 says that Jesus "became for us wisdom from God." With that in mind, we can read the words spoken of by wisdom personified in Proverbs 8 as the words of Jesus. Wisdom says, "I love those who love me, and those who seek me diligently will find me."
8/16/2024 WED853 Proverbs 6:20-7:27 Don't go near her house- Proverbs 31 shows us the virtuous woman, who every Christian woman should want to be like. Proverbs 7 shows us the crafty woman, who every Christian woman should avoid becoming. Men; be very careful to "not let your heart turn aside to her ways."
8/15/2024 WED853 Proverbs 6:20-7:27 Don't play with fire- Adultery and sexual sin has been glamorized and glorified in our culture. Wisdom says that an adulterer "destroys his own soul." Guarding ourselves from sexual sin begins with taking our thoughts captive, and not allowing lust to linger in our hearts.
8/14/2024 WED852 Proverbs 5:1-6:19 Wisdom with finances- We must be wise when it comes to lending and borrowing money. Sometimes financial support is more of a detriment than a help to some people's situations. The ant teaches us some important lessons about work and laziness.
8/13/2024 WED852 Proverbs 5:1-6:19 Warning against sexual sin- When it comes to sexual immorality, wisdom says to "remove your way far from her, and do not go near the door of her house." Sexual sin will lead to serious physical and spiritual consequences that are destructive in individual lives and families.
8/12/2024 WED851 Proverbs 3:21-4:27 The wicked and the just path- We are called to keep a firm hold on the discipline it requires to remain on the path of the just and avoid the path of the wicked. Wisdom tells us considering these two paths is a choice between walking in darkness and light.
8/9/2024 WED851 Proverbs 3:21-4:27 Peace and safety- Those who hold on to Godly wisdom will find peace and safety, rather than the anxiety and fear that life can so often bring. Wisdom should also influence the way we act towards others. Solomon remembered how his father David urged him to get wisdom.
8/8/2024 WED850 Proverbs 2:1-3:20 What wisdom produces- Wisdom from the Lord will produce in us a desire to give rather than get, a heart like the heart of God that gives correction in love, and a life where true fulfillment and happiness are found.
8/7/2024 WED850 Proverbs 2:1-3:20 Guidance through wisdom- We will receive peace and favor from the Lord if we seek to keep His commands with all our hearts. God also promises to "direct our path" depending upon our faithfulness to uphold certain conditions.
8/6/2024 WED850 Proverbs 2:1-3:20 The Lord gives wisdom- Are you actively pursuing wisdom through God's word? God will generously supply wisdom, but how much do we value its benefits? Among those benefits is the promise to "deliver you from the way of evil."
8/5/2024 WED849 Proverbs 1 Instruction of a father- Christian parents have a responsibility to maintain a standard of obedience with children based on God's word. Do you know who your kids' friends are? Wisdom personified cries out to us in proverbs and gives some very important warnings.
8/2/2024 WED849 Proverbs 1 The book of Proverbs- The proverbs of Solomon, also known as the book of wisdom, gives instructions to God's people on how to successfully navigate the practical situations of everyday life. Wisdom will only serve us well if it's paired with obedience and the fear of the Lord.
8/1/2024 WED838 Psalm 119:161-176 The way of praise- We can all struggle at times with the content of our speech. When God's word is filling your heart, the right words will come out of your mouth - words of praise, grace, and edification.
7/31/2024 WED838 Psalm 119:161-176 The way of rejoicing- The psalmist loved God's word like someone who loves treasure. If material wealth is our goal, God's word will not be a joy to us. The wealth available to us in God's word are treasures money cannot buy.
7/30/2024 WED837 Psalm 119:137-160 The way of revival- How can we measure what true revival looks like? The first question we must ask is, 'is it according to God's word?' A genuine revival will honor and promote God's word. Is this something we long for personally and corporately?
7/29/2024 WED837 Psalm 119:137-160 The way of righteousness- Since God's word is alive and active, our appreciation for it should lead to an active and living response to what it says, not a passive one. Only God's word can help us practice righteousness in a sinful world.