Straight From The Heart
Aired Teaching # Scripture Description Listen
11/21/2024 SPM634 Romans 9 Accepting God's sovereignty- Are some people's lives destined for destruction while others are saved? God's plan doesn't always seem fair. Do we even have a right to question how God operates?
11/20/2024 SPM634 Romans 9 What about Israel?- After describing in chapter 8 the great assurance we have as followers of Jesus, Paul now begins to show that God will remain faithful to the promises He has given to the nation of Israel.
11/19/2024 SPM633 Romans 8:28-39 What do we say to these things?- Election and predestination. These are big words with big implications. If people are predestined are altar calls necessary? How do you know if you are one of the elect? Can you lose your salvation?
11/18/2024 SPM633 Romans 8:28-39 All things work together- If we love God, we can know that He is at work in our lives. Even when it's difficult to see. God's sovereignty and man's responsibility can be tough ideas to wrap your mind around.
11/15/2024 SPM632 Romans 8:17-27 Longing for redemption- Creation groans and waits for the day it will be delivered from the curse of sin. Likewise, we long for the day of redemption for our bodies. We can bring the burden of our earthly weaknesses to the Lord as we wait.
11/14/2024 SPM632 Romans 8:17-27 Persevering through suffering- We can count on facing trials in one form or another in this life, but Paul reminds us that the hope of glory to come far outweighs our present suffering.
11/13/2024 SPM631 Romans 8:1-16 Children of God- What does it mean to be a child of God? For starters, Paul said, "the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you." Not only that, but we will "be glorified together" with Him one day.
11/12/2024 SPM631 Romans 8:1-16 The law of the Spirit- If we are born again by the Spirit of God we no longer "walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit." What does that look like? How does someone know if they are born again?
11/11/2024 SPM630 Romans 7 Dead men don't wrestle- Paul acknowledges that a very real part of the Christian walk is the inward battle between flesh and Spirit. This wrestling is the very evidence of the new birth.
11/8/2024 SPM630 Romans 7 Dead to the law- If we are no longer bound by the requirements of the law does that mean it is without purpose? The law helps make us aware of our sin nature which is contrary to the law.
11/7/2024 SPM629 Romans 6 Slave of sin or God?- We all serve a master. The world says that freedom is to live in sin and satisfy the desires of our flesh. The Bible says the life of sin is bondage, and true freedom is found in living as a slave to God.
11/6/2024 SPM629 Romans 6 Wrestling with sin- There is a wrestling between flesh and spirit in the Christian life. Through the death and resurrection of Jesus we now have the power to resist our tendency toward sin and yield to the life giving power of the Spirit.
11/5/2024 SPM629 Romans 6 Dead to sin- God is gracious and forgiving when we fail, but that does not give Christians a license to live in sin? God is calling us to a new quality of life, and to live out the fact that we are no longer slaves to sin.
11/4/2024 SPM628 Romans 5 Death in Adam, Life in Christ- Bad news: sin entered the world through Adam, the first man. Good news: through the obedience of one man, Jesus Christ, all can be saved from the curse of sin and death.
11/1/2024 SPM628 Romans 5 Saved from wrath- If Jesus died for us while we were still enemies with God, won't He deliver us, His children, from the judgment to come on earth? Is Paul suggesting a pre-tribulation rapture?
10/31/2024 SPM628 Romans 5 Glory in tribulation- What does it mean to be justified by faith? Through faith, believers in Jesus Christ have peace with God, access to His presence, and a hope of glory to come.
10/30/2024 SPM627 Romans 3:20-4:25 Before the law- God promised Abraham that his descendants would be greatly blessed. Before the law ever existed, Abraham put his faith and trust in the God who spoke to him. We too have great promises from the Lord.
10/29/2024 SPM627 Romans 3:20-4:25 Justified by faith- Paul points to Abraham and David as examples of men who were credited righteousness by God because of faith. Not because of their works.
10/28/2024 SPM627 Romans 3:20-4:25 Key words- What does it mean to be justified before God? Why do we need redemption? If "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" as Paul says, we need to understand words like justification and propitiation.
10/25/2024 SPM626 Romans 2:1-3:19 All have sinned- We are all born with a sin nature. That's not a popular message in a world that preaches that humans are "basically good." The greatest threat to our society is losing the fear of God.
10/24/2024 SPM626 Romans 2:1-3:19 Truth vs Tradition- The law can't save us from our sin nature and it was never meant to. Paul warns that religious action means nothing if the state of our heart is not right before God.
10/23/2024 SPM626 Romans 2:1-3:19 God judges in truth- Do we live according to the same standards we demand of other people? We must be careful not to adopt an attitude of self-righteousness.
10/22/2024 SPM625 Romans 1:17-32 Given up to uncleanness- When man denies God's existence and refuses to worship Him as creator his moral compass is lost. Straying from God's ways leads to emptiness and confusion in many areas of life including sexual orientation.
10/21/2024 SPM625 Romans 1:17-32 Man's unrighteousness- It seems logical to conclude that behind all the beauty of creation there is a creator. So why does man deny the existence of God?
10/18/2024 SPM624 Romans 1:1-17 Not ashamed of the gospel- In Romans 1:17, Paul declares the central fact of the gospel; that is, it is built on "the righteousness of God." Everything Paul proceeds to write in Romans hinges on this wonderful truth.
10/17/2024 SPM624 Romans 1:1-17 Paul, a bondservant- While at Corinth during his third missionary journey, Paul wrote to the church at Rome who he "longed to see." Paul's letter to the Romans is an extraordinary theological explanation of the truths and implications of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
10/16/2024 WED871 Proverbs 31:10-31 A virtuous woman (part 2)- The "Martha" side of the virtuous woman is hard at work, serving and providing for her family. The "Mary" side, described in the last part of Proverbs 31, is "a woman who fears the Lord." She is a woman of inward beauty, drawing her strength from time spent sitting at the feet of Jesus.
10/15/2024 WED871 Proverbs 31:10-31 A virtuous woman- The virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31 is meant to be an ideal. Not a standard to live up to. This woman is rarely sought after because the world's standards for attractive qualities are very different from what God's word says.
10/14/2024 WED870 Proverbs 31:1-10 Warning for the king (part 2)- How can those in civil leadership govern effectively if there is no purity and sobriety in their lives? In this final warning, king Lemuel's mother advises him that it is not wise for leaders to consume alcohol.