Straight From The Heart
Aired Teaching # Scripture Description Listen
7/26/2024 WED836 Psalm 119:113-136 The way of light- Alan Redpath said the secret of spiritual life is, "bent knees, broken heart, and wet eyes." We can't share the light of God's truth with the world if we are not humbly giving it entrance into our own heart's day by day.
7/25/2024 WED836 Psalm 119:113-136 The way of a servant- What does it mean to be a servant of God? What kind of things should God's servants be concerned with? How will he interact with the world around him? The greatest pursuit in life is to find the right master. We all serve something.
7/24/2024 WED835 Psalm 119:89-112 The way of wisdom- We all have a path to walk in our lives. The wisdom found in the truth of God's word will be a light to guide our path. Every false way will take that understanding and discernment from us.
7/23/2024 WED835 Psalm 119:89-112 The way of steadiness- When everything happening in the world tells us that God has abandoned us, the eternal word of God is the truth we can cling to for peace and security.
7/22/2024 WED834 Psalm 119:65-88 The way of weariness- God's preparation in our lives is not always what we want it to be. It can feel like a heavy weight to carry, but the examples we see in scripture show us that waiting on the Lord and trusting Him will be rewarded.
7/19/2024 WED834 Psalm 119:65-88 The way of affliction- God's word will be an encouragement to us in times of affliction if it is stored up in our hearts and minds. Affliction can be a tool used by God to help get us back on the right course.
7/18/2024 WED833 Psalm 119:41-64 The way of repentance- Our flesh tempts us to rationalize and make excuses for our sinful behavior, but we need to take a lesson from the writer of Psalm 119. When he thought about his ways, he "made haste, and did not delay" to turn back to the Lord.
7/17/2024 WED833 Psalm 119:41-64 The way of freedom- Living in obedience to God's word is the path to a life of true freedom, comfort, and hope. To the world, living in disobedience to God's ways feels like freedom, but it is bondage.
7/16/2024 WED832 Psalm 119:17-40 The way of truth- It's one thing to consciously be aware of the truth of God's word, it's another thing to choose to live by it, but to faithfully live out God's ways it takes true humility and daily dependence on Him.
7/15/2024 WED832 Psalm 119:17-40 The way of delight- How can we live the kind of life where we keep God's ways? There are so many other things we are tempted to find pleasure in outside of God's word, so we need to ask Him to make His word more attractive to us.
7/12/2024 WED831 Psalm 119:1-16 The way of cleansing- If the way of blessing is found by those who are innocent, then naturally, we must ask ourselves how to live a blameless life. The more we are aware of the word of God, the more we will be aware of what fails within us.
7/11/2024 WED831 Psalm 119:1-16 The way of blessing- In Psalm 119:1-8, the author uses words like walk, keep, seek, look, praise, and learn to describe what the way of blessing looks like. All these actions are to be lived in relation to the word of God, and most importantly, to the God of the word.
7/10/2024 WED513 Revelation 22:7-21 Come Lord Jesus- Jesus is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and End. He alone is our bright Morning Star. The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" Amen, Come Lord Jesus!
7/9/2024 WED513 Revelation 22:7-21 I am coming soon- Jesus gives personal testimony about this book which reveals Him. He will give to everyone according to what they have done, and the work of God is to believe on the One He sent. C.T. Studd said, "Only one life, 'twill soon be past, only what's done for Christ will last."
7/8/2024 WED512 Revelation 22:1-7 His servants will serve Him- No longer will there be any curse. His servants have His name on their foreheads, see His face, and serve him. The Lord wants us to know who He is. Are we, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord?
7/5/2024 WED512 Revelation 22:1-7 The river of life- The river of life flows from the throne of God and the Lamb down the middle of the great street. On each side is the tree of life, bearing fruit each month, and its leaves serve the nations. Are we letting the Lamb's life flow into us and out to the world?
7/4/2024 WED511 Revelation 21:9-27 The Lamb is its lamp- Tremendous in its scope, the city is pure gold, with walls of jasper/diamond, streets of gold like transparent glass, and foundations of magnificent stones decorated with every kind of precious jewel. This is only something of what God has prepared for those who love Him.
7/3/2024 WED511 Revelation 21:9-27 The holy city- A glorious city unimaginable in brilliance shines with the glory of the Lamb. Like the Holy of Holies, but 1,500 miles on each side with walls like transparent glass, it has 12 gates named for the tribes of Israel and 12 foundations named for the apostles. This is our eternal home.
7/2/2024 WED510 Revelation 21:1-8 Trustworthy and true- Jesus will be with us, and He Himself will wipe away every tear from our eyes. There will be no more pain. To anyone who is thirsty, Jesus gives satisfying drink without cost, and for that He gets all the glory. He who overcomes will inherit all this.
7/1/2024 WED510 Revelation 21:1-8 I am making everything new- The new heaven and new earth is a perfect home. The acceptance and love will fulfill us like nothing in this world ever could. The new Jerusalem descends and is beautiful. The dwelling of God is with men and He will be their God.
6/28/2024 WED509 Revelation 20:7-15 A great white throne- The unsaved from all time stand before the throne and are judged according to their works. If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, they were thrown into the lake of fire. Are we as believers doing all we can to bring as many as we can to heaven?
6/27/2024 WED509 Revelation 20:7-15 Satan thrown into the lake of fire- Only believers enter the millennium. The children born during the millennium will have a choice to accept or reject Jesus. Satan is loosed to show no matter how good the world may be, people still need a personal Savior.
6/26/2024 WED508 Revelation 20:1-7 Reigning with Christ- There are several resurrections. Those in the first are blessed and sit on thrones judging. Those who did not worship the beast come to life and reign with Christ a thousand years. Do we want to be priests of God?
6/25/2024 WED508 Revelation 20:1-7 Satan bound a thousand years- An angel binds Satan and seals him in the Abyss for a thousand years. Believers have a seal that's just as strong, the Holy Spirit guaranteeing our inheritance.
6/24/2024 WED507 Revelation 19:11-21 KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS- The kings of the earth and their armies gather against the Lord, who destroys them with the brilliance of His coming. The antichrist and false prophet are thrown alive into the lake of fire. This is the battle of Armageddon.