Straight From The Heart
Aired Teaching # Scripture Description Listen
3/26/2025 WED154 Luke 1:39-80 Mary's song- Mary was blessed among women but imagine the challenges she faced in having to explain her pregnancy. Especially to her fiance Joseph. Mary's faith was greatly encouraged after a visit with her cousin Elizabeth.
3/25/2025 WED153 Luke 1:1-38 Mary, blessed among women- Unlike Zacharias, Mary had faith that something miraculous was going to take place according to Gabriel. The Bible clearly teaches the virgin birth. If Jesus wasn't born of a virgin, that has serious theological implications.
3/24/2025 WED153 Luke 1:1-38 The gospel of Luke- Dr. Luke's record of the life and ministry of Jesus contains details not revealed to us in the other gospels. Luke begins his gospel with the miraculous, and at times humorous story, of the angel Gabriel's appearance to Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist.
3/21/2025 WED469 II Peter 3 Grow in grace and knowledge- If we really believe Jesus is coming back shouldn't that influence our actions and behavior? Peter's final exhortation in his second epistle is a challenge to "holy conduct and godliness" as we wait for Christ's return.
3/20/2025 WED469 II Peter 3 The day of the Lord will come- The return of Christ is one of the most, if not the most talked about subject in the New Testament. There will always be naysayers who mock your faith, but Peter reminds us to be encouraged and trust that God keeps His word.
3/19/2025 WED468 II Peter 2:4-22 The fate of false teachers- Peter says that false teachers "have forsaken the right way and gone astray, following the way of Balaam." What is the way of Balaam? What final lessons can we learn from this passage on identifying false teachers in the church?
3/18/2025 WED468 II Peter 2:4-22 The Lord knows how- Peter gives three examples to show how God does not allow the wicked to go unpunished. If God will judge the unrighteous, He also knows how to deliver those who are Godly from destruction.
3/17/2025 WED467 II Peter 1:12-2:3 Destructive teachings- How do you identify false doctrines and heresies in the church? You familiarize yourself with the truth, so the counterfeit version is easy to recognize. No matter how successful some of these false teachers may seem to be, they will not escape judgment.
3/14/2025 WED467 II Peter 1:12-2:3 A trustworthy word- How can we believe the things we read in the Bible about Jesus? Are they just stories written down by a bunch of men? Peter wanted to assure you and I that the things he saw were only confirming what the prophetic scriptures had already spoken of.
3/13/2025 WED466 II Peter 1:1-11 Add to your faith- If we are "partakers of the divine nature" there should be a continual pursuit of growth and maturation in our faith. Peter describes some traits that will be characteristic of a Christian whose life is bearing fruit for the kingdom of God.
3/12/2025 WED466 II Peter 1:1-11 Peter's second epistle- Peter's first epistle was an encouragement for believers to endure through persecution that comes from outside sources. His second epistle addresses the potential threat from false teachers and doctrines that can come from within the church.
3/11/2025 WED465 I Peter 5 Submit and resist- In the concluding words of his first epistle, Peter urges believers to be "clothed with humility." We must remain humble and watchful because we have an enemy, the devil, who is seeking to destroy our lives.
3/10/2025 WED465 I Peter 5 The standard for church leaders- Unfortunately, there are a lot of bad examples and representations in our culture of church leadership. Peter is clear that there is a certain standard that those called to shepherd and lead the church should be held to.
3/7/2025 WED464 I Peter 4 Serving and suffering for God- God gives everyone in the body of Christ spiritual gifts. We are called to be good stewards over those gifts by using them to serve and love others to the glory of God. Suffering and trials should not discourage us in our service to God.
3/6/2025 WED464 I Peter 4 Man's will vs. God's will- Every day we have to choose if we will live a life of sin, according to the lusts of the flesh, or a life of suffering, like Jesus, according to the will of God. Peter says we should be "serious and watchful" in our prayers as we wait for Christ's return.
3/5/2025 WED463 I Peter 3:8-22 Christ suffered once- We will face suffering, but because Christ suffered and died for us, we have a hope that helps us endure through the temporary trials of life. Peter takes a sharp turn from practical Christian living to consider the theology of Christ's death.
3/4/2025 WED463 I Peter 3:8-22 The Christian attitude- No matter where you live, where you are employed, whether you are single or married, there is a certain way a Christian should conduct themselves. Peter lays out what those expectations are, and how obedience leads to blessing.
3/3/2025 WED462 I Peter 3:7 The Christian marriage (Part 4)- How does a husband follow Peter's instruction to honor his wife? Husbands should continue dating and getting to know their wives throughout marriage. What does it look like for a husband to treat his wife as "the weaker vessel?"
2/28/2025 WED462 I Peter 3:7 The Christian marriage (Part 3)- Husbands are commanded to love their lives with agape love. What does that kind of love look like? It's unconditional and sacrificial. Christ loves the church with this kind of love.
2/27/2025 WED461 I Peter 3:1-6 The Christian marriage (Part 2)- How is a wife called to love her husband in a Christian marriage? For wives, having love and affection for their husbands may come a little more naturally. Respect and reverence must be added to love.
2/26/2025 WED461 I Peter 3:1-6 The Christian marriage- As Christians, we should be familiar with God's design for marriage. Our world is very confused about what marriage should look like. Peter starts his discussion about Christian marriage with instruction for wives.
2/25/2025 WED460 I Peter 2:15-25 Loving when it's hard- It's not natural for us to show love towards our enemies. How do we endure unjust treatment from others? Jesus is our example. He knows exactly what it feels like to be mistreated and wrongfully accused.
2/24/2025 M238 Podcast Interview with Pastor Brian Weed- Pastor Joe sits down with Pastor Brian Weed to discuss a new Calvary Chapel fellowship meeting on Tuesday evenings in Levittown, PA. Pastor Brian shares his heart and excitement for this new gathering. Check out for more information.
2/21/2025 WED460 I Peter 2:15-25 The Christian citizen- What should our conduct look like as followers of Jesus Christ in relation to the government? Peter gave his instructions on this topic during a time when the ruling authorities were hostile towards Christians.
2/20/2025 WED459 I Peter 2:4-15 Called to good works- To be a follower of Jesus is a high calling. Now that we have "obtained mercy" and received the free gift of salvation we should not be living according to "fleshly lusts." What does it look like to live life as a sojourner and pilgrim?
2/19/2025 WED459 I Peter 2:4-15 The chief cornerstone- Who is Jesus to you? Jesus is either the foundational stone your life is built on, or He is a stone of stumbling that conflicts with how you want to live your life. There is no neutral ground. The church, among other things, provides fellowship that is essential for the Christian life.
2/18/2025 WED458 I Peter 1:20-2:3 Desire for the Word- Are you hungry for the Word of God? Peter says Christians should desire God's Word like a baby desires milk to grow and mature. The Bible is not just a book of rules or doctrine. It gives us a deeper understanding who God is and how He loves us.
2/17/2025 WED458 I Peter 1:20-2:3 Belief that behaves- A belief in the gospel of Jesus Christ should lead to Christ-like behavior. The child of God will be able to endure trials through faith and hope, live a life that is set apart from the world, and love others with genuine, sacrificial love.
2/14/2025 WED457 I Peter 1:7-19 No time for sloppy thinking- The hope of a heavenly inheritance should remind us that earth is not our home. Is your life moving toward God? Holiness is not just separation from the world, but separation unto God.
2/13/2025 WED457 I Peter 1:7-19 What the prophets foretold- As an eyewitness, Peter could confidently speak of the hope that we have through Jesus. Our confidence in the gospel also comes from the fact that "the sufferings of Christ and the glories that would follow" were written down through prophecy in the Old Testament.
2/12/2025 WED456 I Peter 1:1-6 A living hope- There is an inheritance "reserved in heaven for you." If God has promised such a blessing for us, we can be secure in our eternal future. We can't escape trials in life, but Peter reassures us that they are only temporary, and that God will keep us through those times.
2/11/2025 WED456 I Peter 1:1-6 Peter's first epistle- Our response to persecution and trials will either result in growth or bitterness toward God. Peter wrote his first epistle to encourage believers that were being persecuted for their faith. This letter is full of practical application for the daily life and calling of a Christian.
2/10/2025 SAM950 I & II Thessalonians Summarizing the rapture (part 2)- We can be confident in the biblical teachings of the imminent return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Paul said he did not want us to be ignorant regarding these topics. Did the early church believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?
2/7/2025 SAM950 I & II Thessalonians Summarizing the rapture- We can be confident in the biblical teachings of the imminent return of Christ and the rapture of the church. Paul said he did not want us to be ignorant regarding these topics. Did the early church believe in a pre-tribulation rapture?
2/6/2025 SAM949 II Thessalonians 3:6-18 God's looking for workers- The body of Christ functions at it's best when every part is contributing what it can. Going to your job every day may not always be enjoyable, but hard work and diligence please God. There is no insignificant work done for the Lord.
2/5/2025 SAM949 II Thessalonians 3:6-18 Avoid these people- Unfortunately, there will always be "disorderly" people who make a habit out of taking advantage of others in the church. Paul said the church should separate from these people, so they would repent and stop their immature behavior.
2/4/2025 SAM948 II Thessalonians 3:1-5 Promises and prayer- Charles Spurgeon said, "The strongest man in Israel will be the better for the prayers of the weakest saint in Zion." A healthy relationship between spiritual leadership and the church is built on prayer. Paul encouraged the Thessalonians through his own prayers.
2/3/2025 SAM948 II Thessalonians 3:1-5 Paul's prayer request- Paul was not too proud to ask for prayer from the Thessalonians. We shouldn't be too shy to ask for prayer either. Paul's prayer request gives us insight into how to pray for our pastors and leaders.