Creation Day 6 - Genesis 1:24-27

Joe Focht  SAM1342  6/2/2024

Additional Resources

The Elephant's Trunk

Few animals in the living world are more intriguing and beloved than elephants. Beyond their size and power, they are endowed with impressive intelligence, memory, and manual dexterity. Their trunks (equipped with more than 40,000 individual muscles) are marvels of biological engineering and the subject of this fascinating short video.

The Elephant's Trunk
18 Trillion feet of You

Enter a living human cell to discover a world of unimaginable precision, complexity and design. Measuring less than 2/1000th of an inch in diameter, the cell is packed with molecular machinery that makes life possible. These microscopic wonders include our DNA – the genetic code. Through extraordinary computer animation you’ll discover how the more than 18 trillion feet of DNA in your body is organized, stored and processed.

18 Trillion feet of You
Beauty, Darwin, and Design

Charles Darwin once wrote that the sight of a male peacock’s tail made him physically ill. Why? Because he knew that the gratuitous beauty so prevalent throughout the living world points unmistakably to intelligent design, foresight and plan. Explore the artistry and stunning implications of natural colors, patterns, and ornamentation in the animal and plant kingdoms that exist for a purpose beyond mere survival.

Beauty, Darwin, and Design
When these stones speak

In 1941, work on Mt. Rushmore was completed in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The colossal monument—featuring the faces of four presidents—is a silent testimony to American history, the spirit of democracy and something more. You see, this brilliant work of art also conveys a message that—if we will listen carefully--reveals a principle that underlies the creation of the entire universe and the life it contains: engineering, meticulous planning and foresight are not only required for the successful creation of an iconic sculpture--but also, for the origin and complexity of life on Earth.

When these stones speak
The Elephant's Trunk

Few animals in the living world are more intriguing and beloved than elephants. Beyond their size and power, they are endowed with impressive intelligence, memory, and manual dexterity. Their trunks (equipped with more than 40,000 individual muscles) are marvels of biological engineering and the subject of this fascinating short video.

The Elephant's Trunk

18 Trillion feet of You

Enter a living human cell to discover a world of unimaginable precision, complexity and design. Measuring less than 2/1000th of an inch in diameter, the cell is packed with molecular machinery that makes life possible. These microscopic wonders include our DNA – the genetic code. Through extraordinary computer animation you’ll discover how the more than 18 trillion feet of DNA in your body is organized, stored and processed.

18 Trillion feet of You

Beauty, Darwin, and Design

Charles Darwin once wrote that the sight of a male peacock’s tail made him physically ill. Why? Because he knew that the gratuitous beauty so prevalent throughout the living world points unmistakably to intelligent design, foresight and plan. Explore the artistry and stunning implications of natural colors, patterns, and ornamentation in the animal and plant kingdoms that exist for a purpose beyond mere survival.

Beauty, Darwin, and Design

When these stones speak

In 1941, work on Mt. Rushmore was completed in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The colossal monument—featuring the faces of four presidents—is a silent testimony to American history, the spirit of democracy and something more. You see, this brilliant work of art also conveys a message that—if we will listen carefully--reveals a principle that underlies the creation of the entire universe and the life it contains: engineering, meticulous planning and foresight are not only required for the successful creation of an iconic sculpture--but also, for the origin and complexity of life on Earth.

When these stones speak

  1. And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
  2. And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
  3. And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
  4. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.