SAM1337 Genesis 1:1
In the Beginning
SAM1338 Genesis 1:2-5
Day One
SAM1339 Genesis 1:6-13
Creation Day 2 & 3
SAM1340 Genesis 1:14-19
Creation Day 4
SAM1341 Genesis 1:20-23
Creation Day 5
SAM1342 Genesis 1:24-27
Creation Day 6
SAM1343 Genesis 1:26-28
Created in His Image
SAM1344 Genesis 1:26-2:3
Creation Finished
SAM1345 Genesis 2:4-17
The Memoirs of Adam
SAM1346 Genesis 2:18-23
Not Good to be Alone
SAM1347 Genesis 2:24-25
The First Wedding
SAM1348 Genesis 3:1-7
The Voice of the Devil
SAM1349 Genesis 3:7-15
Satan Crushed for Us
SAM1350 Genesis 3:16-24
Judgment & Mercy
SAM1351 Genesis 4:1-7
Only Two Ways
SAM1352 Genesis 4:8-24
The Fallen World
SAM1353 Genesis 4:25-5:32
Adam's Family Tree
SAM1354 Genesis 5:18-24
Walking with God
SAM1355 Genesis 6:1-4
The Days of Noah
SAM1356 Genesis 6:5-13
The Days of Noah - Part 2
SAM1357 Genesis 6:13-7:5
One Ark One Door
SAM1358 Genesis 7:6-8:5
Nothing but the Truth
SAM1359 Genesis 8:6-22
Old Endings & New Beginnings
SAM1361 Genesis 9:18-29
Noah's Final Sermon
SAM1362 Genesis 10
The Table of Nations
SAM1363 Genesis 11:1-9
SAM1364 Genesis 11:10-32
Bridge Divine
SAM1365 Genesis 12:1-9
The Calling of Abraham
SAM1366 Genesis 12:10-13:4
Faith on Trial
SAM1368 Genesis 13:5-13
SAM1369 Genesis 13:14-18
2025 A Vantage Point
SAM1370 Genesis 14:1-16
Genuine Separation
SAM1371 Genesis 14:17-15:1
The Tale of 2 Kings
SAM1372 Genesis 15
Fear Not, Only Believe
SAM1373 Genesis 16
Fleeing From Trouble
SAM1374 Genesis 17
The Covenant with Abraham
SAM1375 Genesis 18:1-15
Divine Intimacy
SAM1376 Genesis 18:16-33
Crying Unto God
SAM1377 Genesis 19:1-25
Fleeing for Your Life
SAM1378 Genesis 19:26-38
Will You Remember

In October of 2010 Pastor Joe began teaching verse-by-verse on Sunday Mornings. (Previously Sunday Evening and Wednesday Evenings had been verse by verse studies.) These studies feature a blend of verse-by-verse teaching with a special in-depth focus unique to our Sunday Morning services.

Teaching # Scripture Title Listen
SAM1337 Genesis 1:1 In the Beginning
SAM1338 Genesis 1:2-5 Day One
SAM1339 Genesis 1:6-13 Creation Day 2 & 3
SAM1340 Genesis 1:14-19 Creation Day 4
SAM1341 Genesis 1:20-23 Creation Day 5
SAM1342 Genesis 1:24-27 Creation Day 6
SAM1343 Genesis 1:26-28 Created in His Image
SAM1344 Genesis 1:26-2:3 Creation Finished
SAM1345 Genesis 2:4-17 The Memoirs of Adam
SAM1346 Genesis 2:18-23 Not Good to be Alone
SAM1347 Genesis 2:24-25 The First Wedding
SAM1348 Genesis 3:1-7 The Voice of the Devil
SAM1349 Genesis 3:7-15 Satan Crushed for Us
SAM1350 Genesis 3:16-24 Judgment & Mercy
SAM1351 Genesis 4:1-7 Only Two Ways
SAM1352 Genesis 4:8-24 The Fallen World
SAM1353 Genesis 4:25-5:32 Adam's Family Tree
SAM1354 Genesis 5:18-24 Walking with God
SAM1355 Genesis 6:1-4 The Days of Noah
SAM1356 Genesis 6:5-13 The Days of Noah - Part 2
SAM1357 Genesis 6:13-7:5 One Ark One Door
SAM1358 Genesis 7:6-8:5 Nothing but the Truth
SAM1359 Genesis 8:6-22 Old Endings & New Beginnings
SAM1361 Genesis 9:18-29 Noah's Final Sermon
SAM1362 Genesis 10 The Table of Nations
SAM1363 Genesis 11:1-9 Globalism
SAM1364 Genesis 11:10-32 Bridge Divine
SAM1365 Genesis 12:1-9 The Calling of Abraham
SAM1366 Genesis 12:10-13:4 Faith on Trial
SAM1368 Genesis 13:5-13 Separation
SAM1369 Genesis 13:14-18 2025 A Vantage Point
SAM1370 Genesis 14:1-16 Genuine Separation
SAM1371 Genesis 14:17-15:1 The Tale of 2 Kings
SAM1372 Genesis 15 Fear Not, Only Believe
SAM1373 Genesis 16 Fleeing From Trouble
SAM1374 Genesis 17 The Covenant with Abraham
SAM1375 Genesis 18:1-15 Divine Intimacy
SAM1376 Genesis 18:16-33 Crying Unto God
SAM1377 Genesis 19:1-25 Fleeing for Your Life
SAM1378 Genesis 19:26-38 Will You Remember
WED514 Genesis 1:1-1:5
WED515 Genesis 1:6-25
WED516 Genesis 1:26-2:3
WED517 Genesis 2:4-25
WED518 Genesis 3:1-24
WED519 Genesis 4
WED520 Genesis 4:25-6:4
WED521 Genesis 6:5-8:5
WED522 Genesis 8-9
SAM1360 Genesis 9:1-17
He Will Remember
WED523 Genesis 10-11
WED524 Genesis 12:1-13:4
WED525 Genesis 13:5-14:18
WED526 Genesis 14:18-15:21
WED527 Genesis 16
WED528 Genesis 17:1-18:23
WED529 Genesis 18:23-19:38
WED530 Genesis 20-21
WED531 Genesis 22-23
WED532 Genesis 24:1-25:11
WED533 Genesis 25:11-26:18
WED534 Genesis 26:17-28:9
WED535 Genesis 28:10-30:25
WED536 Genesis 30:25-32:32
WED537 Genesis 33:1-35:8
WED538 Genesis 35:9-37:11
WED539 Genesis 37:12-39:10
WED540 Genesis 39-40
WED541 Genesis 41
WED542 Genesis 42:1-45:4
WED543 Genesis 45:1-47:12
WED544 Genesis 47:7-49:12
WED545 Genesis 49:13-50:26

These teachings feature an examination of a selected passage of scripture, one verse at a time.

Teaching # Scripture Title Listen
WED514 Genesis 1:1-1:5
WED515 Genesis 1:6-25
WED516 Genesis 1:26-2:3
WED517 Genesis 2:4-25
WED518 Genesis 3:1-24
WED519 Genesis 4
WED520 Genesis 4:25-6:4
WED521 Genesis 6:5-8:5
WED522 Genesis 8-9
SAM1360 Genesis 9:1-17 He Will Remember
WED523 Genesis 10-11
WED524 Genesis 12:1-13:4
WED525 Genesis 13:5-14:18
WED526 Genesis 14:18-15:21
WED527 Genesis 16
WED528 Genesis 17:1-18:23
WED529 Genesis 18:23-19:38
WED530 Genesis 20-21
WED531 Genesis 22-23
WED532 Genesis 24:1-25:11
WED533 Genesis 25:11-26:18
WED534 Genesis 26:17-28:9
WED535 Genesis 28:10-30:25
WED536 Genesis 30:25-32:32
WED537 Genesis 33:1-35:8
WED538 Genesis 35:9-37:11
WED539 Genesis 37:12-39:10
WED540 Genesis 39-40
WED541 Genesis 41
WED542 Genesis 42:1-45:4
WED543 Genesis 45:1-47:12
WED544 Genesis 47:7-49:12
WED545 Genesis 49:13-50:26
M217 Genesis 4:1-5
Passing the Baton
SAM101 Genesis 1:1
God: Redeemer - Creator
SAM102 Genesis 3:1-6
Satan's Devices
SAM103 Genesis 3:7-15
Lost & Found
SAM104 Genesis 4:1-8
Cain & Abel
SAM105 Genesis 5:19-24
SAM107 Genesis 12:1-5
The Call of God
SAM108 Genesis 13:14
Abraham & Lot
SAM109 Genesis 14:13-15:1
Refreshment in Battle
SAM110 Genesis 18:23-25
Delivered From Wrath
SAM111 Genesis 19:26
Lot's Wife - Fatal Attraction
SAM112 Genesis 22
The Offering of Isaac
SAM113 Genesis 25:19-34
Loving Jacob/Hating Esau
SAM114 Genesis 28:10-22
Jacob's Ladder
SAM115 Genesis 32:13-32
Governed by God
SAM116 Genesis 35:1-14
The Way Home
SAM117 Genesis 37:1-11
Spiritual Vision
SAM118 Genesis 39:1-11
The Tempting of Joseph
SAM120 Genesis 39:20-40:23
Joseph: The King's Prisoner
SAM121 Genesis 41
Forgotten of Man Not of God
SAM122 Genesis 45:1-15
I am Joseph
SAM123 Genesis 50:22-26
Joseph's Legacy
SAM124 Genesis 49:22-26
The Secret of Joseph
SAM125 Genesis 49:33
Jacob's Death
SAM1253 Genesis 18:19
Father's Day
The Necessity of Literal Israel
SPM553 The Holy Spirit is God
2007 Holy Spirit Series Pt.1

These messages feature scriptural teaching on a particular topic. Most were recorded during our Sunday Morning services prior to 2010.

Teaching # Scripture Title Listen
M217 Genesis 4:1-5 Passing the Baton
SAM101 Genesis 1:1 God: Redeemer - Creator
SAM102 Genesis 3:1-6 Satan's Devices
SAM103 Genesis 3:7-15 Lost & Found
SAM104 Genesis 4:1-8 Cain & Abel
SAM105 Genesis 5:19-24 Enoch
SAM107 Genesis 12:1-5 The Call of God
SAM108 Genesis 13:14 Abraham & Lot
SAM109 Genesis 14:13-15:1 Refreshment in Battle
SAM110 Genesis 18:23-25 Delivered From Wrath
SAM111 Genesis 19:26 Lot's Wife - Fatal Attraction
SAM112 Genesis 22 The Offering of Isaac
SAM113 Genesis 25:19-34 Loving Jacob/Hating Esau
SAM114 Genesis 28:10-22 Jacob's Ladder
SAM115 Genesis 32:13-32 Governed by God
SAM116 Genesis 35:1-14 The Way Home
SAM117 Genesis 37:1-11 Spiritual Vision
SAM118 Genesis 39:1-11 The Tempting of Joseph
SAM120 Genesis 39:20-40:23 Joseph: The King's Prisoner
SAM121 Genesis 41 Forgotten of Man Not of God
SAM122 Genesis 45:1-15 I am Joseph
SAM123 Genesis 50:22-26 Joseph's Legacy
SAM124 Genesis 49:22-26 The Secret of Joseph
SAM125 Genesis 49:33 Jacob's Death
SAM1253 Genesis 18:19 Father's Day
SAM1327 The Necessity of Literal Israel
SPM553 The Holy Spirit is God 2007 Holy Spirit Series Pt.1

Additional Resources

18 Trillion feet of You

Enter a living human cell to discover a world of unimaginable precision, complexity and design. Measuring less than 2/1000th of an inch in diameter, the cell is packed with molecular machinery that makes life possible. These microscopic wonders include our DNA – the genetic code. Through extraordinary computer animation you’ll discover how the more than 18 trillion feet of DNA in your body is organized, stored and processed.

18 Trillion feet of You

A Perfect Solar Eclipse

A total eclipse of the sun is a mysteriously beautiful display of God’s design and purpose. Explore the science and significance of one of the most remarkable wonders in the universe.

A Perfect Solar Eclipse

A Whale of a Story

Humpback whales. They are among the largest and most magnificent creatures on Earth. But how did these warm blooded, air-breathing, fully aquatic mammals come into existence? Evolutionary scientists have long proposed a slow, gradual process driven by random mutations and natural selection. Yet, 21st century biology and genetics have clearly revealed that these naturalistic explanations are woefully inadequate. Instead, the most convincing evidence for their creation now points to intelligent design.

A Whale of a Story

Absolutely Awn-Some

A ripened fruit catapults its seeds to fertile soil. Dead tissue is energized to move dynamically under its own power. A seed sows itself. Witness all this and more in the fascinating life cycle of a plant known as stork’s bill. This unforgettable video is a celebration of the unseen mystery and wonder of life on earth.

Absolutely Awn-Some

Beauty, Darwin, and Design

Charles Darwin once wrote that the sight of a male peacock’s tail made him physically ill. Why? Because he knew that the gratuitous beauty so prevalent throughout the living world points unmistakably to intelligent design, foresight and plan. Explore the artistry and stunning implications of natural colors, patterns, and ornamentation in the animal and plant kingdoms that exist for a purpose beyond mere survival.

Beauty, Darwin, and Design

Big Universe Bigger God

Take a journey from Earth to the edge of the observable universe—in seven unforgettable minutes. Spectacular computer animation will transport you 45 billion light years to discover glimpses of God’s creative power and divine attributes as revealed through the wonders of the cosmos he once spoke into existence.

Big Universe Bigger God


Dolphins rank among the most intelligent, elegant and popular animals on earth. There are at least 37 different species, and they thrive in oceans throughout the world. A dolphin’s sophisticated echolocation system enables it to effectively navigate and hunt for food in often dark and murky environments. This remarkable display of biological engineering is explored through high-speed photography and detailed computer animation.


Find The Way Home

Of all the epic animal migrations on earth, the sea turtle’s odyssey is one of the most remarkable. After hatching, baby sea turtles instinctively race to the sea where they float, swim, and grow for many years. Then, after reaching maturity, each uses a sophisticated navigational system embedded in its brain to chart the precise course back to the exact beach where it was born. There, the turtles lay their eggs and ensure future generations of their species.

Find The Way Home

God and the Astronomer

In 1929, astronomer Edwin Hubble confirmed that the universe was expanding. This discovery strongly implied that the cosmos had a beginning in the finite past. Robert Jastrow, founding director of NASA’s Goddard Space Institute, reflects on how contemporary evidence—when objectively viewed—points to the existence of a supernatural Creator.

God and the Astronomer

Heavenly Fire

The Auroras (or Northern and Southern Lights) rank among the seven greatest natural wonders in the world. For millennia, they have captured the imaginations of anyone who has witnessed their ethereal beauty in the polar skies. HEAVENLY FIRE: The Mystery of the Auroras is an unforgettable exploration of why these incredible light shows occur, and what they reveal about God.

Heavenly Fire

How many Stars

The question is timeless. Pondered, throughout history, by human beings of every culture, age, and nationality: how many stars are there in the universe? This fascinating film explores worlds gigantic and microscopic to reveal answers that challenge our perceptions of creation. Travel with us through galaxies and grains of sand; molecules and atoms, to count the stars and marvel at all that God has made.

How many Stars

In The Image of God

Of all the world’s wonders there is perhaps none greater than God’s creation of human life. From physical gifts like our opposable thumbs and the ability to walk upright, to our capacity for self-awareness, speech, creativity and rational thought, we are, to quote the psalmist, “fearfully and wonderfully made.” Yet in the fabric of the human experience, one quality stands alone. We are each made in the image of God. But what does it mean to bear the image and likeness of our Creator? Explore this mystery and its profound implications in this important video.

In The Image of God

Living Machine

Few creatures in the animal kingdom can capture the imagination more powerfully than a hummingbird. Their aeronautical abilities are stunning. But the genius of these birds isn’t limited to flight. Each day, they must consume twice their body weight in nectar to fuel their voracious metabolisms. The incredible biological mechanisms that make this possible are masterpieces of engineering and design.

Living Machine

Of fingertips and Galaxies

In May 2019, an international team of astronomers released one of the most important photographs in history. For 16 years, the Hubble Space Telescope surveyed a pinpoint of outer space previously believed to be relatively empty. When 7500 separate images were assembled into a comprehensive mosaic, they discovered at least 265,000 galaxies in an area of sky so small it can be covered by a fingertip held at arm’s length.

Of fingertips and Galaxies

Packages of Life

The remarkable cone of a knobcone pine tree is both an impenetrable vault and a launch pad for flying seeds that can restore a devastated forest. Watch an incredible provision for life and evidence for intelligent design in this fascinating video.

Packages of Life


The migration journey of the Pacific Salmon is iconic. Relying on their incredible sense of smell and internal navigation systems, the fish travel from the Pacific Ocean to the exact river or stream where they hatched years before. The biological engineering involved is sophisticated, highly accurate, and a superb example of intelligent design in the living world.


Starlings Murmurations

On a winter evening in England a flock of 200,000 European starlings congregate to soar in breathtaking formations before roosting for the night. These incredible displays of aerial precision are truly a wonder of creation.

Starlings Murmurations

The Elephant's Trunk

Few animals in the living world are more intriguing and beloved than elephants. Beyond their size and power, they are endowed with impressive intelligence, memory, and manual dexterity. Their trunks (equipped with more than 40,000 individual muscles) are marvels of biological engineering and the subject of this fascinating short video.

The Elephant's Trunk

The Evidence of Cosmology

Lee Strobel’s rejection of God was also based on the belief that the universe was nothing more than the product of random processes and chemical evolution. His search for truth led him to the work of astronomer Edwin Hubble and some of the greatest discoveries in the history of science.

The Evidence of Cosmology

The Habitable Planet

Lee Strobel’s journey through a universe finely tuned for life inevitably led him home–to Earth, the blue jewel of our solar system. There he encountered another array of critically balanced conditions essential to human existence and all life on our planet.

The Habitable Planet

The Wood Wide Web

For all of its power and global scale, it’s possible the largest and most important social media network on our planet isn’t the World Wide Web. Instead, scientists have identified and studied underground communication systems--made of fungi and roots—that enable trees to exchange nutrients, nurture their offspring, transmit warnings, and relay information to their neighbors. These networks (collectively nicknamed the Wood Wide Web) link an estimated 90% of our planet’s vegetation. Explore this incredible phenomenon and marvel at another crucial provision for life on Earth.

The Wood Wide Web

Uplifting Story

Earth is filled with spectacular natural wonders and many of them are so common or small we pass by them each day without a glance or second thought. Vivid examples are the parachutes on the puff ball of a dandelion. Recent discoveries by an international team of scientists have revealed how these miniature aircraft can—under optimal conditions—remain aloft for miles. The dandelion seed’s aeronautical design is more efficient than any man-made parachute.

Uplifting Story

What a Wing

It has been said that nature is often the greatest inspiration for human technology. An excellent example of this observation is the winged seed of a maple tree. These fragile, yet ingenious creations are designed to transport packages of life more than mile from their parent tree. The seed’s efficient and light weight aerodynamic design is now the focus of study by engineers around the world.

What a Wing

When these stones speak

In 1941, work on Mt. Rushmore was completed in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The colossal monument—featuring the faces of four presidents—is a silent testimony to American history, the spirit of democracy and something more. You see, this brilliant work of art also conveys a message that—if we will listen carefully--reveals a principle that underlies the creation of the entire universe and the life it contains: engineering, meticulous planning and foresight are not only required for the successful creation of an iconic sculpture--but also, for the origin and complexity of life on Earth.

When these stones speak

Wings of Wonder

A hummingbird in flight is among the most beautiful creatures on Earth. Designed to hover and fly in every direction (including up-side-down), these tiny birds are endowed with aeronautical abilities that have fascinated scientists and school children for centuries. But how are they capable of such unique aerial displays? Their biological wonders are explored with computer animation and spectacular slow-motion photography is this stunning short video.

Wings of Wonder