Teaching # Speaker Scripture Title Watch Listen Download
SAM170 Joe Focht Deuteronomy 4:1-13 God's Word
SAM400 Joe Focht Proverbs 6:22 God's Talking Book
SAM468 Joe Focht Jeremiah 23:23-30 Wheat or Chaff
SAM478 Joe Focht Jeremiah 36:3 God's Word Stands Forever
SAM494 Joe Focht Ezekiel 12:22-28 God's Word is True
SAM499 Joe Focht Ezekiel 26:1-14 The Certainty of God's Word
SAM514 Joe Focht Daniel 2:45 God's Word: Certain & Sure
Philly Young Adults Website
Blessed Assurance for Young Adults - Calvary Chapel Magazine Article