Teaching # Speaker Scripture Title Watch Listen Download
SAM385 Joe Focht Psalm 127 Build My House, O' Lord
SAM398 Joe Focht Proverbs 7 What About Our Daughters?
SAM399 Joe Focht Proverbs 5 What About Our Sons?
SAM404 Joe Focht Proverbs 22:6 Training Our Children
SAM511 Joe Focht Daniel 1:1-8 Standing Against the Tide
SAM893 Joe Focht Ephesians 6:1-3 Why Obedient
SAM894 Joe Focht Ephesians 6:1-3 Why Obedience and Honor
SAM895 Joe Focht Ephesians 6:4 Parental Stewardship
SAM896 Joe Focht Ephesians 6:4 Parental Stewardship Part 2
SAM897 Joe Focht Ephesians 6:4 Parental Stewardship Part 3
PS2301 Brian Weed Preparing Our Youth for LGBTQ Issues
PS2302 Chris  Clark Family Devotion Times
PS2303 Various Speakers Discipling Youth in a World of Technology
PS2304 Mike Focht Biblical Discipline
PS2305 Joe Focht Deuteronomy 6:3-9 Teach the Word DIligently
PS2306 Various Speakers Grandparents Playing the Role of Parents
PS2401 Joe Focht II Timothy 3:13-17 Introduction
PS2402 Brian Weed Having the Sex Talk
PS2403 Mike Focht Dating & Relationships
PS2404 Various Speakers Prodigals
PS2405 Various Speakers Raising Girls
PS2406 Various Speakers Children with Special Needs